I’m a Syrian visual artist and researcher, currently residing and working in Venice, Italy. Before moving to Europe, I lived in Amman, Jordan, for 6 years, where I developed my craft. My work revolves around nostalgia and its relation to today’s social, political, and cultural matters in the Middle East. My work has crossed borders, reaching cities such as London, Cairo, Dubai, Palermo, and Antwerp. I have also participated in a well-received exhibition at The Corner in Amman in late 2018. One of my works was featured in The Jordan Times and I have collaborated with the local creatives of Artmejo to realize public installations of my work in Weibdeh.
أنا باحث وفنَّان بصريٌّ من سوريا، وأُقيم وأعملُ حاليًّا في مدينة البندقية الإيطاليَّة. قبل الانتقال إلى أوروبَّا، عِشتُ في عمَّان مدَّة ٦ سنوات طوَّرتُ فيها كثيرًا من مهاراتي الحِرفيَّة. يَدورُ عملي حول الحنين إلى الماضي، وعلاقته بالجوانب الاجتماعيَّة والسياسيَّة والثقافيَّة المعاصرة المتعلِّقة بالشرق الأوسط. لقد عبَرَتْ تصاميمي الحدود، وُصولًا إلى مدن مثل لندن والقاهرة ودبي وباليرمو وأنتفيرپ. شاركْتُ أيضًا في معرضٍ مميَّزٍ أواخر عام 2018م عُرض عملي في ‘‘ذا كورنر’’ في عمَّان. كما ظهرَ أحدُ أعمالي في صحيفة ‘‘جوردان تايمز’’ الأردنيَّة، وتعاونتُ مع كثيرٍ من المصمِّمين المبدعين المحلِّيِّين في آرتميجو في مشاريعي للمنشآت العامَّة في جل اللويبدة عمَّان.
Mystery of the Flying Letter
Material: Digital art (computer)
Size: 32×49 cm
This collage plays on my love of three things: Amman, Egyptian pocket novellas, and Tintin. It’s constructed as a cover of a fictional story, in the format of aforementioned Egyptian novellas. Featuring Tintin and Captain Haddock wandering in space suits, with Amman, the capital of Jordan, dominating the scene in the background. I took that photo in Amman when I was living there, and it has been cartoonized to match the comic feel of the piece. The title of this ‘cover’ says in Arabic: “”Mystery of the Flying Letter””, which I thought perfectly matches the small red rocket that is about to launch. This mix came together somehow and is my take on the famous Belgian comic characters, a tribute to the stories that made our childhood awesome.