As a child in school, my way of studying was by prepping visual materials for the lessons I was going to be taught in class. It was a lot of fun when I studied and shared my material with classmates, and it was perhaps what set me on my way to become an artist and study art. I had always had a vague notion of what art was then, but I was determined to know more. My first real introduction to art and the creative field was a book titled “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci”. This book had propelled me into a world full of infinite possibilities that filled me with questions. Now I am a designer and a visual artist. I graduated in Multimedia Design back in 2016, and since then, I have been searching for beauty and functionality, subtle balance, and originality. A pursuit of awe and beauty reflected in people’s eyes when viewing my work was born. I had a need to experience this feeling. This led me to work on all sorts of designs, wherein I had to interact with objects that can be felt and sensed.
عندما كنتُ في المدرسة، كنتُ أحوِّلُ الدروس المكتوبة إلى بصريَّة، وبشتَّى الوسائل الإبداعيَّة المتاحة حينها، لكي ندرسُها في الصفِّ بطريقةٍ ممتعةٍ. ربَّما كانت هذه أولى الإشارات التي بيَّنتْ لي أنِّي مهتمَّةٌ بالفنِّ ودراسة الفنون. حينها لم أكن على دراية بمفهوم الفنون، لكنِّي كنتُ عازمةً على معرفة المزيد. في أوَّل طريقٍ لي بتعلُّم الفنِّ والإبداع، قرأتُ كتابَ ‘‘كيف تفكِّر على طريقة ليوناردو دافنشي’’. وقد جعلَني أبحرُ في عالم حافلٍ بالاحتمالات والتساؤلات. الآن، أنا مصمِّمة وفنَّانة بصريَّة، تخرَّجتُ عام 2016م في تخصُّص تصميم الوسائط المتعدِّدة. ومنذ ذلك الحين، وأنا أبحث عن الجمال والوظيفة والتوازن والابتكار. كنت أحتاجُ إلى رؤية الجمال الذي ينعكس من عيون الناس عند مشاهدة عملي. أردتُ فعلًا خَوضَ تلك التجرِبة، لذلك تولَّدَ الدافعُ لديَّ لأعملَ بجِدٍّ على كافَّة التصاميم، حيث كان عليَّ أن أشعر بكلِّ شيء، وأتفاعل مع كلِّ ما يمكن التفاعل معه، حتَّى يرى العمل النور.

Folendar, a play on words with “Fold” and “Calendar”, is a calendar made from folded paper, inspired by the cut and fold techniques that use geometric shapes, infused with our amazing Arabic square kufi calligraphy. The Idea for the calendar is that it plays with light and shadow by allowing openings through the paper that would invoke different shadows when light passes through different angles. The materials used are white paper and minimal design of the Kufi Script, which is utilized differently for each month of the year. The calendar adds a touch of modernity to your desk at home or the office.