Coming from a family with an interest in art, my life has always involved art-based debates, discussions, viewpoints, and perspectives from a young age. Looking back at those times, they have shaped me into the woman I am today; choosing interior design as my career. Knowing that my creativity is unleashed in a pressure-free environment, I took a risk by leaving my job as an art teacher to start my own business as a creative product designer following my highest excitement. Although I knew my heart was in the right place, creating modern and unique pieces may not please all tastes, so I pursued my passion ready for the challenge. What started with picking a piece of wood randomly resulted in my own little project with quite an odd name. I chose to name my brand “Exonique design”, which is a combination of exotic and unique, to constantly remind me of my products’ identities. As a person who has an eye for wood, I am always subconsciously hunting for distinctive wood pieces for my newest collection.
الفنُّ جزءٌ لا يتجزَّأ من حياتي منذ الصغر كوني نشأتُ في عائلة لديها شغف بالفنِّ وحبٌّ له. فعندما أعودُ إلى سنواتٍ عدَّة خلت، أرى أنَّه كان لهم أثرٌ كبيرٌ في اختياري مهنةَ التصميم الداخليّ. لقد خاطرتُ بتَرْكِ وظيفتي في تدريس الفنون لبدءِ عملي الخاصّ، حيث صرتُ مصمِّمةً ساعيةً وراء شغفي؛ فأنا أعلمُ أنَّ إبداعي ينطلق في بيئةٍ خاليةٍ من الضغط. ابتكارُ قطعٍ عصريَّةٍ وفريدةٍ من نوعها قد لا يُرضي جميع الأذواق. ورُغم ذلك، فقد تابعتُ شغفي، وأنا مستعدَّةٌ لمواجهة التحدِّي. ما بدأ باختيار قطعةٍ من الخشب عشوائيًّا، نتجَ عنه مشروعي الصغير بِاسْم غريب. اخترتُ تسمية علامتي التجاريَّة ‘‘Exonique’’، وهو مزيجٌ ما بين كلمتَين: الغريبة (Exotic) والفريدة (Unique) لتذكِّرني باستمرار بهُوِيَّة منتجاتي. بوصفي شخصًا مهتمًّا بالخشب، فأنا دائمًا ما أبحث عن قطعٍ خشبيَّةٍ مميَّزة لمجموعتي.
My work revolves around the wooden pieces in the products where no two products will ever have the same exact wooden shape. All of my pieces express the beauty of steel bonded with a unique wood segments, where each root and timber tell a story that I try to highlight through my work. I shine light on the wooden segments and make it so that it is a fitting artistic piece in any area, provoking people into using their imagination and making their surroundings more exciting by using my artwork. Nature inspires me on a daily basis to create more and more art. As Dante Alighiere once said: “Nature is the art of God” and I couldn’t agree more!