I am a fashion designer on a mission to empower modern women and give each and every lady; comfort, elegance, and happiness. I also aim at helping other designers grow their fashion brands by offering them a dynamic marketplace khoodfashion.com.
In order to mix professional expertise, talent, and international best practices, I decided to attend Burgo School of Fashion in Milan.
I focus my work on fashion for today’s active women to shine at home, work, and social gatherings. Whether you are a working mother planning for a night out with fellows, a high school student hanging out with friends, or a devoted wife celebrating her anniversary with her husband, you deserve to feel confident and happy, inside out, and this is simply our mission at Hama’s unique line of fashion.
In order to share my expertise with aspiring designers, I founded Khood Academy as a regional institute to empower women with fashion, art and real-life skills that are highly demanded in the job market.
أنا مصمِّمةُ أزياء محترفة، تصاميمي عصريَّة أركِّزُ فيها على قِيَم الراحة والأناقة والسعادة للمرأة والتي قلَّما نجدُها مجتمعةً في خيارات الملابس المتاحة في الأسواق. أطلقتُ مشروعي لدعم مجتمع المصمِّمين لتأسيس علاماتهم التجاريَّة وتطويرها بواسطة متجرٍ إلكترونيٍّ على الموقع الإلكترونيِّ www.khoodfashion.com حصلتُ على شهادة في تصميم الأزياء من ‘‘معهد الموضة في مدرسة بورغو للأزياء’’ في ميلان كي أدمجَ ما بين موهبتي في الرسم والتصميم مع أبرز الخبرات العالميَّة في صناعة الأزياء. تتميَّز أعمالي بالتركيز على المرأة العصريَّة كي تتألَّقَ في البيت والعمل والمناسبات الاجتماعيَّة. سواءٌ كانَتْ أمًّا عاملةً تحضِّرُ للِقاء العمل، أم كانَتْ طالبةً جامعيَّة تخطِّط للقاء صديقاتها في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع، أم كانَتْ زوجةً تحتفلُ بذكرى زواجها في لقاء رومانسيّ، فهي تستحقُّ التألُّقَ بمظهرٍ يشعرها بالثقة والسعادة، وهذا ببساطة هو رسالتي بتصاميمي الفريدة. شاركتُ بتأسيس أكاديمية خود كمعهد إقليمي متخصص لدعم المرأة وتدريبها على مهارات التصميم والمهارات الحياتية التي يتطلبها سوق العمل.

This artistic “Happiness by Hama” collection was inspired from the fruit of cocoa; as an enriching source of superb feelings with its fabulous gradients of colors, shapes, aromatic smell, delicious taste, gorgeous textures (powder and liquid) and unique down-facing flower. Cocoa has always been a great symbol of happiness and positive vibes to humans around the world. Hama has launched this collection as part of the Dubai Modest Fashion Week on the special occasions of the International Women’s Day and International Day of Happiness as she believes that each and every woman deserves to be happy, empowered and beautiful inside out, regardless of her never-ending challenges and struggles. She believes that each dress is like a cocoa pod that encapsulates many great feelings of women (seeds) that we take them outside to spread happiness in many forms (chocolate bar, hot chocolate, etc.) and this resembles how woman is not only a source of happiness and positive energy to her own self, but also to the whole society around her! Hama worked hand in hand with a team of skillful tailors, talented handicraftsmen and hard working women in refugee camps and rural areas in Jordan to bring this collection to life. She travelled to İstanbul, Madrid and Dubai to hand-pick the best textiles and fabrics on her mission to give ladies who wear them elegance, uniqueness, comfort and happiness!