Born in Jordan to Palestinian parents, I grew up in Jordan then moved to Canada to study engineering. After some personal life turns and twists, I ventured into the world of beauty. The story really begins with beating cancer twice, inspired by the (Look good feel better) foundation to give back to the society that supported me in tough times. Challenges take us by surprise and can shock us in the middle of our perfect lives but what is important is picking ourselves back up again. Since my childhood, I have had an interest in arts and creativity as it brought out the beauty in everything, and this led me to venture into the world of visual communication design and advance in the direction of jewelry design. My young flourishing contemporary brand launched in 2018. A brand for everyday jewelry designed with love, offering ready-to-wear and customized handmade bejeweled and playful to elegant designs. My journey is shaped into my designs; having studied different fields and lived with different cultures, I enjoy experimenting with different styles. I like to bring pretty and fierce all together. Each design is a reflection of an inspiration, encompassed with positive energy. I pride myself on offering unique, affordable pieces.
وُلِدتُ في الأردن لوالدَين فلسطينيَّين. نشأتُ في الأردنِّ ثمَّ انتقلت إلى كندا لدراسة الهندسة. بعد ما أن تعرضت لبعض من العثرات، دخلتُ عالم الجمال. بدأَتِ القصَّة بعدما تغلبت على مرض السرطان مرَّتَين، حيث ألهمتني مؤسَّسة ” Look good feel better“ أن أردَّ الجميل إلى المجتمع الذي دعمَني في أوقاتي الصعبة. تدهمُنا التحدِّيات في أوقاتٍ مفاجئة، وأصعبها هي التي تصدمنا في مسار حياتنا التي نحسبُها مثاليَّة. والمهمُّ حقًّا هو النهوض مجدَّدًا. منذ طفولتي كان لدي اهتمام بالفنون والمجال الإبداعيّ اللذان يبرزان جمال كل شيء. انطلقت في عالم تصميم التواصل البصريّ، وتقدَّمت في مجال تصميم الحليِّ. أطلقْتُ علامتي التجاريَّة المعاصرة الناشئة عام ٢.١٨م. علامة تجاريَّة للحلي اليومية، مُصمَّمة بكلِّ حبّ، مفعمة بالمرح والأناقة منها تصاميم جاهزة وأخرى حسب الطلب. تجاربي الحياتية أثرت في تصاميمي لكوني درستُ تخصصات مختلفة وتعايشت مع ثقافاتٍ متنوِّعة. أنا أستمتع بتجرِبة اساليب مختلفة، أحبُّ أن أدمجَ الجميل والجريء معًا وأفتخر بتقديم قطعٍ فريدةٍ بأسعارٍ مناسبة.

Unique contemporary handmade designs brought to life inspired mostly by nature. Each design is a reflection of an inspiration encompassed by positive energy and good vibes. These stylish 3D Stitch necklace and ring are from our “Threads of Identity” collection, the design is inspired by the beauty of Palestinian embroidery. This motif is known as a Moon stitch in Ramallah and Jafa, but as a Star stitch in Hebron embroidery. I am an avid believer that treasures should be passed onto our future generations. As time progresses, transformations take place in every field, be it our own way of life, our styles… In efforts of preserving our valuable Palestinian cultural arts heritage in a modern way, this collection was born and its’ name was inspired by the pioneer Mrs. Widad Kawars’ book. As women we have to support, learn and collaborate with each other to be enlightened and empowered, as we are stronger together!