Design came as a natural path that I followed having come from a creative and supportive family of inspirational designers. I was always encouraged to explore, which led me to the love of art and, ultimately, to pursue my education in the design field in the UK. My professional career started with working at various advertising, branding, and architecture firms, where I was involved in projects that were focused on setting up brands and had the opportunity to connect with people from various design disciplines, which channeled my innate creative abilities as a designer. Being a rebel by nature, I took the decision early on in my career to lead my own path by founding ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ along with my partners Farah Shami and Nisreen Al-Saleh. A design firm that challenges the status quo and offers our clients a tailored visual experience to their brands. Focusing on my ambition to always leverage the right opportunities, I was not only able to establish my name as a designer but also as a trusted partner.
لقد كان اتباعي للتصميم كمسار عملي تلقائياً، خاصةً لكوني من عائلةٍ مبدعةٍ تدعمُ الاستكشاف، ما أدَّى بي إلى حبِّ الفنّ، ودخول عالم التصميم. حصلتُ على شهادتَي البكالوريوس والماجستير في التصميم الجرافيكي، وبدأت مسيرتي المهنية بالعمل في شركاتٍ منوّعة منها الإعلان و التسويق والتصميم المعماري، حيث شاركتُ في مشاريع عدَّة ركَّزتْ على بناء عددٍ من العلامات التجاريَّة. أتيحَتْ لي الفرصة للتواصُل مع أشخاصٍ من مختلَف تخصُّصات مجال التصميم، ما أسهَمَ في توجيه قدراتي الإبداعيَّة. ولكَوني متمرِّدةً بطبيعتي، فقد اتَّخذتُ القرارَ في أوائل مسيرتي المهنيَّة بتأسيس شركة ‘‘ Rock Paper Scissors “” (حجر ورقة مقص) مع شريكاتي فرح شامي ونسرين الصالح. وهي شركةُ تصميمٍ رائدة تتحدَّى الوضع الراهن، وتقدم للعملاء تجرِبة بصريَّةً مخصَّصة لعلاماتهم التجاريَّة. تمكنت من خلال تركيزي على طموحي و اقتناص الفرص المتاحة ليس فقط من ترسيخ اسمي كمصممة متميزة ولكن أيضاً كمستشار موثوق به.

Azkadenya Restaurant Branding Jordan – Palestine – UAE – Iraq – Saudi Arabia – Bahrain – Canada 2011 Azkadenya, a nostalgic journey into the region’s golden era of pop culture. Azkadenya invites you to a nostalgic period of Middle Eastern culture. The space interacts with the visitor; as you will share some laughs and reminisce on wonderful memories. It highlights the golden age of Arab pop, with cinematic and musical icons. The name is inspired by loquat, a succulent fruit cultivated in the region. The brand has added meaning to it with a play on words, as in colloquial Arabic “azka” means delicious, and denya means world. Thus the best taste/life the world has to offer, which is reflected in its culinary experience and atmosphere. It’s a masterpiece of kitsch design.