I knew from an early age that a typical 9 to 5 desk job was not my cup of tea, and have subsequently opted for more of a freelancing type of work, working on my own time. I have always been passionate about the fine distinctions in Arabian cultures especially the Jordanian. I have been fascinated with it’s people, stories and patterns. So, aided by my artistic, digital illustration acumen, branding, and product design skills, I started my own business, called Batrina. Batrina is a startup that reflects on some of the many aspects of Jordanian culture through meticulously designed products that tell stories about Jordan.
أدركتُ مبكراً أنِّي لا أحبذ التزامَي بوظيفةٍ مكتبيَّة تقليديَّة تتطلَّبُ أن ألتزمَ وقتًا وجدوَلًا زمنيًّا محدَّدَين. نتيجة لذلك، قرَّرتُ أن أعملَ أعمالًا حرَّة بما يتناسبُ مع جدولي ووقتي الخاصَّين. لطالما كانت التفاصيل البسيطة في الثقافات العربية تمثِّلُ مصدرَ إلهامٍ عظيم لي وبالأخص الثقافة الأردنيّة؛ إذ إنَّ الناس والقصص والأنماط الفنِّيَّة دائما تلفتني، فمع مهاراتي في الرَّسم الرقميِّ، وابتكار العلامات التجاريّة، وتصميم المنتجات- جميعها دفعتني لبدء مشروعي الخاصّ ‘‘بترينا’’، وهي شركةٌ ناشئة تضمُّ تصاميمَ ومنتجاتٍ تعكسُ بتفاصيلها الكثيرَ من قصص ووجوه ثقافتنا الأردنيَّة.
Material/size: Paper
Name of the design: Everyday products influenced by the Jordanian Culture by Batrina
Batrina is a Jordan-based brand that creates storytelling, well designed and affordable everyday products, inspired by the Jordanian culture, influenced by the people of Jordan and produced by local Jordanian craftsmen.”
Name of the design: Everyday products influenced by the Jordanian Culture by Batrina
Batrina is a Jordan-based brand that creates storytelling, well designed and affordable everyday products, inspired by the Jordanian culture, influenced by the people of Jordan and produced by local Jordanian craftsmen.”